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X PRO 12'6"

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X PRO 12'6" - _100-1411063224
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X PRO 12'6" - _image-4-1411063224
X PRO 12'6" - _image-5-1411063224
X PRO 12'6" - _image-8-1411063225
X PRO 12'6" - _image-3-1411063224

Short Facts

Sandwich Island Composites

590 Old Haleakala Highway
HI 96732-2302

Phone: +1 808 877 7728

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Recommended Retail Price
USD 2,599

Stats (Metric)

381 cms / 12'6"
66 cms / 26"
230 ltr / 60.8 gal
With feedback from some of the most elite flat-water paddlers, SIC built the X-12 and X-14 Pro series boards. If you paddle in glassy lakes or enclosed bays, then this board will be stable enough for most, however, rarely are conditions flat, smooth or glassy, especially in a race or if you are trailing the pack. With that said, Elite paddlers have exceptional balance.

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