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X - 12

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X - 12 - _x-12-1380529208
X - 12 - _sccprod-1380529208
X - 12 - _twcc-1380529208

Short Facts

Sandwich Island Composites

590 Old Haleakala Highway
HI 96732-2302

Phone: +1 808 877 7728

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Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material


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Flat-water Race and FITNESS: With its wave piercing bow, and a quick transition to flat, this Stock Class board has a great glide in displacement mode while in calm waters, and is stable when in planing mode in choppier conditions. Sharp rails at the tail shear water for unlimited speed. This is your weapon of choice if you want looking to cover a lot of ground or to win the BOP Available in Materials

SCC- Semi-Custom Carbon - USD 2399
TWCC - Tuff Wood Custom Composite - USD 1,899

Note the details mentioned above are for SCC construction.

Specs for TWCC constructed board are as follows -:

Width-: 74.95 cm
Volume -: 265.7 ltrs

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