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X-14 - _x-14-1380530473
X-14 - 13363_twcc-1380530588
X-14 - 13363_sccprod-1380530588

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

427 cms / 14'0"
74.9 cms / 29.5"
295.5 ltr / 78.1 gal
Flat-water Race and FITNESS: A scaled up version of the X-12, this missile provides unrivaled flat-water speed. Its sharp displacement bow is like a knife through flat water and chop. The quick transition to flat provides stability and keeps the board in glide mode between strokes. Sharp rails at the tail shear water for unlimited speed on the open range.
Available in Materials
SCC- Semi-Custom Carbon - USD 2,499
TWCC - Tuff Wood Custom Composite - USD 1,999

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