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Roadster - boats_483-1
Roadster - boats_483-2

Short Facts


Robsonstrasse 1

Phone: +49 9921 882190

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The Roadster is a fast and agile white-water kayak, designed for the new generation of intrepid creekers, it excels in tight technical environments.

The disc shaped hull facilitates turning and carving and helps you hold your line. The Roadster is attracting the more technical paddlers as well as the playboaters.

Equipped with the Pro Logic seat system, adjustable bulkhead footrests, and the ROBSON power brace system. Whether you are boofing, shaking or grooving, the Roadster provides you with maximum comfort and stability.

User reviews

2 reviews

Overall rating 
4.5  (2)
4.0  (2)
4.0  (2)
Value / Money 
3.5  (2)
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Overall rating 
Value / Money 

It is a kayak that I have for 30 days, I made rounds on their 1-2, and grade 3 is beginner to WW after I gave touring kayak Robson Balboa three years, I said it was time to go to ww. This kayak is not for beginners, I spill 8 times, but for the first time in grade 3-4 is good. I have 110 kg and I fit in perfectly with him, never even had to give up seat on this chair Prologic which seems extraordinary to that lever that acts of standing steel woven wire cables from the back, and raise you ww as you want. What bothered me at first as the tail is thin, when the pedal when you stop and tail is covered by water returning instantly, but then I learned to bow in front of me I never had this problem. Roll-out is very light of it. Aripoarele side had to take off, but it's something normal in the field. The material is good primarily for wholesale, even if it's not like the Prijon HTP. I recommend this kayak with great pleasure, but not necessarily with Prologic's seat!


About Me
32- Romania
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(Updated: October 24, 2007)
Overall rating 
Value / Money 

Good river runner with some play potential.

About the reviewer

I've been kayaking for 2 years now, mostly class 2 stuff. I'm definitely still on the learning curve ;) but I feel quite comfortable (though not complacent) in a fammiliar enviroment (don't have too many ww rivers in my neck of the woods).

This is my first boat (my own! my precious!) and I've had it since April. Before buying it I paddled boats from my club (Bystrze). These were mostly of older types (Prijon Hurricane, Eskimo Kendo, Speedo, Xeno, Necky Jive and Gliss). Paddled on class 1-2+ on rivers and slalom courses.


When I bought it this was the shortest boat I had ever paddled ;) and the most modern in design. I kept sinking my stern (just a question of my stance, easily fixed) and I found it very difficult to roll with the planing hull. This difficulty was compiled by the enormous ammount of volume (238l) which is concentrated in the cockpit area. It took me the entire season to get to grips with rolling this kayak and I still won't call my roll bomb-proof. I have had virtually no problems with rolling in other boats, and the people who borrowed my boat confirm it takes some getting used to (although I take 70% of the blame for my rolls on myself). This being said, this kayak is difficult to get upside-down :) It is uber-stable and has huge sides on which it is easy to find balance. It is very manouverable for its length and tight eddy entries can be made with ease. I find everything easy in this kayak (compared with the ones I've paddled) except rolling ;) I can even pull of some flat moves in a hole and surfing is a pleasure (even with my meagre skills). It is too long for playing though and the line of the boat will probably make me uneasy paddling above class 3 (to easy for the stern to be caught). I have the basic version, no fancy outfitting, but it's very comfortable after slight padding. I love having my knees so high, it makes other boats feel like pancakes (subject to personal taste).


It's a very pleasant river runner and I'm not selling it :) although I am buying a playboat (Robson claims the Roadster can be cartwheeled with ease :/ ... I'll put this to the test someday when I learn to cartwheel in a dedicated playboat). From my limited experience I've found it a good entry level kayak - presenting me with problems that forced me to improve my technique, while offering a very safe learning environment.


About Me
Location: Poland - Dunajec, Bialka, slalom courses
Age: 24
Weight: 65 kgs
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