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Robsonstrasse 1
Phone: +49 9921 882190
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Even shorter and more aggresive: your first choice for rodeo competitions. Now also in XL for larger paddlers.
User reviews
Sweet Boat!
About the reviewer
I have been kayaking for over 12 years. I get out a few times a week year round. I have done alot of hard class V but now days I have a family and mostly Play boat.Test environment
SF american riverReview
Love this boat. I originaly wanted to get a new school radical boat, but a friend sold me this for so cheep so I figured I night as well try it out. What a sweet boat. it cartwheels like a hoola hoop, balances on the stern perfect, carves up waves, and spins like a top.Conclusion
Can't yet get it to do all the "new school" moves, but what a great all round kayak. two thumbs up. lots of fun.Review
Age: 34
Weight: 77.1 kgs
robson nrg xl
the robson nrg xl is one of the best boats i have paddled.
it surfs well, it plays well etc.
a great little boat
Age: 16
Weight: 80 kgs
About myself
I love to kayak. I got the robson and have not stopped since.
About the test environment
Skelwith falls/looping pool.
A great boat for playboating and it is a good surf boat. had it for only 4 months and wow has it helped me.
A great boat for people like me: tall and a bit thin.
Get one if you have the chance.
Age: 17
Wow, a little boat for a big guy.
I took this boat out for a demo and was amazed. I am 6'5" and weigh 200 lbs. Tall and slender I am, so it is very hard to find a playboat with low volume and plenty of leg room.
The Process: I had to remove the thigh braces and bulk head. The seat also had to be placed as far back as it would go.
The results: Although I was a tad stern heavy I loved this boat. It spun like a record for me. Prior to my run in this boat I had never done a flat water cartwheel. Bingo, second try and I did one! As for stalls . The boat has a ton of potential. I just need a few more days on the river to get the hang of it.
In short I am loving this boat.
I highly recommend it.
Carl Schneider, PGH, PA, USA
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Age: 31
Weight: 200 kgs