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Homes - 9624_TN1Homesangle_1287160241
Homes - 9624_TN2Homestop_1287160241
Homes - 9624_TN2Homesside_1287160241

Short Facts


Robsonstrasse 1

Phone: +49 9921 882190

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Frankie Hubbard
Construction & Material


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No one shaped an open canoe better than Frankie Hubbard - ever. Here is his last. The Homes has a super stiff Armerlite hull, moderate rocker, accelerates and manoeuvres quickly, is dry running, reacts on the slightest impulse and stands for big time fun. No matter whether you go steep creekin', take a walk on the wild side or surf your home wave. Still, it is friendly enough to paddle to convince even open boat novices of its' qualities. Nobody will ever want to get back into 15' boat. Fact. Thanks, Frankie.
Comes with: 2 air bags, vinyl gunwales, adjustable foot rests, foam saddle and knee cups.

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