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Softskin™ Line Convertible Ws 11'0"

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Softskin™ Line Convertible Ws 11'0" - _standupeleven-convertible-1384531582
Softskin™ Line Convertible Ws 11'0" - _standupeleven-fins-1384531582

Short Facts

Roberto Ricci

Via Rubino 15/19

Phone: +39 564 452304 / 455786

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Model Year
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Stats (Metric)

335 cms / 10'12"
78.7 cms / 31"
11.4 cms / 4.5"
The sofskin line is a very versatile line of boards based on the same technology and finishing level as our EasyRide windsurf boards. It features fully recessed EVA deck for maximum comfort and a very lightweight technology.any occasion!

The first SUP shape introduced in 2009 remains a reference board for entry level programs and a very versatile shape for both flat water and waves. Well-bal-anced and stable thanks to its 31” of width; the standup eleven softskin is now also available in the convertible technology.

Softskin™ Line: the sofskin line is a very versatile line of boards based on the same technology and finishing level as our EasyRide windsurf boards. It features fully recessed EVA deck for maximum comfort and a very lightweight technology.
This board is designed to be used as a windsurfer and is equipped with a mast foot plug to insert your rig and sail!
Fins: 9.5” Single Dolphin Black Polyester (US)+ Center Fin 38 cm + Powerbox Plug (PowerBox)

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