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Air Sup 10'2"

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Short Facts

Roberto Ricci

Via Rubino 15/19

Phone: +39 564 452304 / 455786

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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Stats (Metric)

310 cms / 10'2"
81.3 cms / 32"
10.8 cms / 4.3"
172 ltr / 45.4 gal
The first RRD inflatable SUP board

The most versatile line of the Inflatable boards collection. The 10’2 x 32” and the 10’4” x 34” have been designed with the intention of being used both as flat water freeriders/cruisers and small wave riders. The new 9’8” x 32” opens up a bit more towards more usage on small waves yet still remains a very versatile board for allround freeriding and cruising. Fins: 2 x Soft side fins 1 x 19,5 cm Single fin US box

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