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"DOOR" 7'0"
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Short Facts

1341 Calle Avanzado
San Clemente
CA 92673
Phone: +1 (949) 388-6999
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· Show all Riviera products.

1341 Calle Avanzado
San Clemente
CA 92673
Phone: +1 (949) 388-6999
· Show brand details.
· Show all Riviera products.
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Recommended Retail Price
USD 950.00
It is hard to describe why this board is so fun to ride because the performance downfalls are what make it so much fun. The Pros: As stable as a typical 10'6 x 32" - Very fast through flat sections - The major Cons are actually the major pros...The wide tail make it Skatey/pivoty/Slippery and the wide outline make this board not fit in the steep part of the wave, but fly down the line for the shoulder.
Since we have been building and testing the doors we have found they make great touring boards for kids and women because the are small and lightweight... Easy to transport to and from the water. Also available in the following lengths: 7', 7'6", 8', 8'6"
Since we have been building and testing the doors we have found they make great touring boards for kids and women because the are small and lightweight... Easy to transport to and from the water. Also available in the following lengths: 7', 7'6", 8', 8'6"
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