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10'6" Inflatable

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10'6" Inflatable - _rivierainflatable-1376305032
10'6" Inflatable - _rivierainflatable2-1376305032
10'6" Inflatable - _rivierainflatable2a-1376305032

Short Facts


1341 Calle Avanzado
San Clemente
CA 92673

Phone: +1 (949) 388-6999

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 1150

Stats (Metric)

320 cms / 10'6"
81.3 cms / 32"
11.1 cms / 4.4"
171.1 ltr / 45.2 gal
The Riviera 10'6" Inflatable is ideal for traveling, river paddling, and boating. There is something nice about being able to drop your board on rocks and bounce it off your boat without causing damage. This board is light weight at 21Lbs. (28Lbs in bag w/ pump and repair kit.) The Riviera Inflatable comes with traction pad, handles at center and nose for carrying, and D-rings and a bungy system for strapping down all your gear! The package also includes a backpack, high volume pump w/ pressure gauge, and rubber patch kit. It has a 2 + 1 setup that give you the options for different paddling conditions. Fin System - 2+1 Thruster, Squash Tail

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