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Superbug - 5749_Model1_1272455252
Superbug - 5749_header04_1272455253
Superbug - 5749_header05_1272455253

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Phone: +49 176 78229032

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The SUPERBUG is narrower than the Standardbug and has lower volume elliptical shaped tubes, making it extremely responsive and easily hand-rolled when capsized. Releasable thigh straps give additional security when river running, and transfer body movements better when rolling and performing rodeo-moves. The Superbug is a high performance craft that enables paddlers to progress rapidly to a high skill level and will excel in the hands of experts. The 2010 model comes in 3 different sizes with adjustable seat lengths.

The riverbug is the coolest new innovation to hit the white water scene since kayaks got shorter than 250cm! This revolutionary boat design has redefined what a white water craft looks like and how rivers can be run. The funky looking riverbug is packed full of features that make it not only fun to paddle, but also an extremely capable river runner that excels in technical white water and will run pretty much what a kayak can and moreā€¦

Designed in New Zealand, the Riverbug is around1.5m long and weighs 7kg. The banana shaped inflatable hulls are made of tough PVC/Urethane material and the seat out of closed cell foam. An air pillow underneath the backrest cover provides extra floatation and can be partially deflated to make space for extra equipment or replaced with a dry bag for overnight trips. Riverbugs are easily assembled and taken apart and can be rolled up to a compact, easily transportable package.

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