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Kãne 11"4'

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Kãne 11"4' - _kane114-1383920532

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

345 cms / 11'4"
78.7 cms / 31"
11.4 cms / 4.5"
This board is from the Synapse series of SUP boards.

The SYNAPSE line of All-Around SUP boards are designed to offer up performance in the surf and stability in the flatwater. These paddle boards are great for people looking to get the best of both worlds. These paddlboards provide newcommers to the sport and Stand Up Paddle Board veterans with an unsurpassed quality board that is perfect for any conditions experienced on the water! Our latest Endura-Lite Technology from Rhizotomy Paddleboards makes these SUPs stronger and lighter while offering superior stability without sacrificing maneuverability. All of this combined makes these boards easy to use for all water conditions!

Board Construction
• 20 Kg EPS Core with Single Plywood Stringer
• 2 layers of 6 oz Fiberglass + 1 Layer Bamboo for improved durability on Top
• 2 layers of 6 oz Fiberglass + 1 Layer of Bamboo Wood + 1 layer of 4 oz Fiberglass on Bottom
• Hand Grip & Leash Plugs + Bungee System for storage
• Air-vent (automatic)
• 2 Future Fins + 1 Center Box Fin (included)

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