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Orca Expedition
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
EUR 749
Available Colors
Rosso, Glallo, Blu, Verde, Nero, Fucsia, Gold, Croco, Granit, Ice, Fire, Acqua, Arancio
Stats (Metric)
420 cms / 13'9.4"
83 cms / 32.7"
36.5 cms / 14.4"
30 kg / 66 lbs
Sit-on-top (1/2/3 posti). Stabile e facile da usare. Ideale per famiglie, spiagge e noleggiatori. Fornito di serie con tappo di svuotamento, passacorda per fissaggio sedile, 2 comodi vani portaoggetti, 2 maniglie rinforzate per il trasporto e ampi gavoni anteriore e posteriore.
Dati Tecnici:
coda 32 cm
1-2-3 seats, self-bailing sit-on-top. Very stable and easy to use. Ideal for families, beaches and renters. Equipped with drain plug, webbing loops to fix the seat, two practical lodgings, two reinforced handles to carry the boat and big front and back hatches.
• 1 - 2 - 3 posti / 1 - 2 - 3 seats
• Maniglie Touring/ Touring grab loops
• Tappo di svuotamento / Drain plug
• Fori autosvuotanti/ Self-bailing holes
• Seggiolino con schienale imbottito* / Padded seat and backband*
• Portaborraccia/ Water bottle stowage
• Gavone stagno*/ Watertight compartment*
• 2 alloggiamenti portaoggetti/ 2 recesses for support
Dati Tecnici:
coda 32 cm
1-2-3 seats, self-bailing sit-on-top. Very stable and easy to use. Ideal for families, beaches and renters. Equipped with drain plug, webbing loops to fix the seat, two practical lodgings, two reinforced handles to carry the boat and big front and back hatches.
• 1 - 2 - 3 posti / 1 - 2 - 3 seats
• Maniglie Touring/ Touring grab loops
• Tappo di svuotamento / Drain plug
• Fori autosvuotanti/ Self-bailing holes
• Seggiolino con schienale imbottito* / Padded seat and backband*
• Portaborraccia/ Water bottle stowage
• Gavone stagno*/ Watertight compartment*
• 2 alloggiamenti portaoggetti/ 2 recesses for support
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