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Apache 15´

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Apache 15´ - boats_1586-1
Apache 15´ - boats_1586-2

Short Facts

Model Year
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Stats (Metric)

465 cms / 15'3.1"
94 cms / 37"
37 kg / 82 lbs
Canoa indiana agile e di dimensioni ridotte.

• 2 sedili in legno o polietilene/ wood webbing or plastic seats as standard
• Maniglie di trasporto in polietilene/ough moulded end deck incorporating arrying handles
• Giogo centrale per il trasporto/ooden carrying yoke
• Struttura sandwich in schiuma di PE/spansa a cellula chiusa in tre stratiThree-layer foam core polyethylene
• Bordo di protezione in PVC rinforzato in lluminio/VC gunwale alluminium reinforced
• Terzo sedile centrale in legno o polietilene*/Third center wood webbing or plastic seat

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