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Endurance - 7260_enduranceproiezioni_1275667795
Endurance - 7260_endurancefotobanner_1275667795

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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A compact and performing allround, ideal for those who prefer stability and love a comfortable kayak.

It is a very versatile boat whose very large and comfortable cockpit offers the best habitability and makes the kayak easier to get in and out.
The hull in the shape of a large ā€œVā€ at the two ends and roundish in the central part guarantees a good directionality and speed, even in presence of rough sea.
The completely equipped front and rear decks make this kayak able to face even the most binding navigations without losing its characteristics, a great stability and handling.

Front hatch volume 41 lt.
Rear hatch volume 63 lt.
Cockpit volume 129 lt.

Watertight front hatch with a circular VCP stopper
Rectangular rear hatch with neoprene spray-decks and fiberglass lid
Rubber bands to fasten maps and spare paddles
Safety ropes with stainless steel recessed deck fittings
Predisposition for a rear bilge pump
Paddle blocking system equipped with paddle float.

Endurance is available with the cockpit and the seat illustrated.

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