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Inazone 222
Short Facts

Pyranha Mouldings Unit 1 Premier Point Aston Lane South
Whitehouse Industrial Estate
Runcorn, Cheshire
Phone: US +1 828.254.1101 UK +44 1928 716 666
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Equally suitable for first season boaters or more advanced & adventurous paddlers who demand a paddler friendly, predictable kayak with great play potential that still lets them carry gear and tackle more serious WW with confidence. To cross over from freestyling to river-running a Ina Zones are able to play hard but still allow you to make those lines.
The Ina Zones allow you to refine and enhance both your play and river running skills and expand your limits all in one proven kayak design. With the very latest in design features and fittings as its standard, the Ina Zone is the only option for paddlers owning a single boat.
User reviews

Good all round boat. Excelent for a first boat. You can do basic play boating and river running which allows you to choose which kayak style you want to go for. Previously a classic design, it is a little old compared to new designs of boats and the out fitting is pretty poor, so prepared to spend some time with some foam!!
It is also a forgiving design for new kayakers, but it will also spank you if you mess up. That is a good thing!! Too many people in my opinion learn in creeker boats which are very forgiving.
If you are buying second hand and it fits you well, go for it. I'd recommend taking it out onto the water for a little while before making the decision though. I can't complain too much, I purchased it for 200 dollars, but I'm going to get a real boat now.