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Burn L
Short Facts

Pyranha Mouldings Unit 1 Premier Point Aston Lane South
Whitehouse Industrial Estate
Runcorn, Cheshire
Phone: US +1 828.254.1101 UK +44 1928 716 666
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Stats (Metric)
We've listened to detailed feedback and given you more volume and subtly tweaked rails to keep you on the surface and on line. We've also refined the rails to stop you hanging up on shallower runs and rockslides and, of course, we've loaded it with the lightest, strongest outfitting around.
What does all this mean? It adds up to a boat that's easier to paddle in even more places. Whether you're eddy hopping down remote gorges in distant locations or burning your local on a Sunday afternoon, you'll soon forget about the Burn's pedigree and concentrate on having fun.
User reviews
Per the other comments, no offense, but the reviewers seem a bit "green". This boat is very easy to roll and does not get "stuck" in holes any more than any other boat. If you punch a hole and stop paddling, the hole will draw you back in. A PRO about being in a hole in this boat, is that because of the chines, you can surf it easily. Work on your side-surf techniche and your comfort level in holes and you won't have any problems with working any boat in a hole.
The boat stays on line and tracks like a damn blood hound. It boofs well and resurfaces immediately after big drops.
After owning 5 different boats, as for creeking and big water, I'm not planning on looking any further than another Burn.
safe and will look after you
About the reviewer
i paddle grade 3 water and have been paddling for about a 1 year and a halfTest environment
grade 2 with a bit of grade 3Review
the burn is a nice boat to paddle and on the parts of rivers you feel abit wobble on is WILL look after you but at the same point you feel in contorl, but is a bitch to get out of any hole or stopper is gets in to. the best thing to do with it happen is paddle like f**k and of just paddle thought them and not to play.Conclusion
great all rounder just wish my leg would fit in to smaller boat so i could play moreReview
Age: 22
Weight: 90 kgs
Its taking some getting used to
Having paddled a Jackson 4Fun for many years moving up to a big creeking boat has been an intersting experience. The burn is a big boat and has done me well in some big situations but it has also got me into trouble in other. This i think is my lack of technique when trying to roll this mammoth of a boat but i will hopefully sort that out in the near future.
So all round a good boat for what it is designed for but not to be used when there is not enough water.
Age: 26
Weight: 82 kgs