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Ammo M
Short Facts

Pyranha Mouldings Unit 1 Premier Point Aston Lane South
Whitehouse Industrial Estate
Runcorn, Cheshire
Phone: US +1 828.254.1101 UK +44 1928 716 666
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User reviews
When you first get the Ammo, move the seat all the way forward if under 6ft tall.
When you paddle the Ammo, stay forward and drive the boat. Don't let it drive you!
This boat is faster than one might think, easily pearls on little waves, is in its element on really BIG waves.
I have paddled this boat for two seasons on water ranging from 300cfs to 70,000cfs. It boofs beautifully, resurfaces predictably (providing you are not leaning back), and the outfitting is comfortable and fully adjustable.
I will wear this boat out!!
•Your playboat feels a little small for this run but you still want to do some surfing.
•Your creekboat feels a little big for this little creek.
•You don't care about the new school moves and just want a boat with a planing hull to run what ever the heck you want to run.
Favorite kayak
Pretty good creeker and down river boat
About the reviewer
RetiredTest environment
Lower Yough, Shanendoah and Patomac rivers, Friends Creek and Crazy creek, and other local rivers.Review
Very stable boat, with the ability to carve and manuver very quickly. The strings that hold the seat back were a bit week, replaced with carabeeners, and put additional padding on the out side of the knees that adjusted with the Thigh braces. Now it is perfect.Conclusion
I am very impressed with this boat. Have been able to do rivers I had only hoped to do in the past.Review
Age: 54
Weight: 74.8 kgs
Fantastic Dad's Boat
Begginer to intermediate paddler. Running class 2 through 4 at this time. The AMMO has elimiated my loosing control while river running and surfing. Not a play boat but surfs like one.
So far have only run class 2-3 with it since it is winter and I am enjoying short and safe runs for now. Spring will be great.
One thing I have to get used to is that wnen I get out of the boat I have to avoind bumping the ratchet seat adjustmets with my knees becase it has a built in quick release feature that is great during an unexpected wet exit but slams me back when I am climbing out at the take out.
I feel more confident in my paddling and recomend it to anyone who likes to river run, surf, execute 360s, etc.
Age: 54
Weight: 74.8 kgs
Great all around boat
This is (well was) my first year of boating and all I can say is “what a journey”. I called around, did my research and finally decided on the ammo, which after almost one full year of paddling was a great choice. Now I’m not running class 5, although I have, it’s not something I do everyday so with that being said I’m more of a class 4 boater. The ammo isn’t the easiest of boats to roll, the habitat is much simpler, but that doesn’t mean it’s hard or you should think twice about a purchase.
The boat has some play, yet its carving ability is less then stellar and you’re never going to be doing huge air unless you’re just a freak! (Again its not a playboat). So its not the greatest creak boat (Habitat and Jefe take that prize) and its not a good playboat, but it’s not trying to be either one. The ammo is a damn fine boat when it comes to being able to do a little bit of everything on every river. I’ve bombed down great class 4 & 5, yet been able to have fun and play on class 3 or even 2.
I’m not a great fan of the ammo when on large volume rivers simple because of its smaller size (the river can toss you around a bit easier then a larger boat). The outfitting broke too many times to count, but it was always something simple, a piece of rope or a screw, nothing major (a minute fix) I’ve logged a lot of miles in the ammo on all types of rivers and everyone I paddled with wished they where in my boat unless it was a large volume hard river. When it comes to creeks the boat is solid. When I finally destroy this boat (the way I paddle I give it another 2 years) I’m definitely going to be going with another.
Age: 25
Weight: 86.2 kgs