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Arctic Tern

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Arctic Tern - boats_841-1
Arctic Tern - boats_841-3

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
John Lockwood

Stats (Metric)

518 cms / 16'11.9"
58 cms / 22.8"
30 cms / 11.8"
17.7 kg / 39 lbs
The Arctic Tern lies firmly in the ancient Arctic kayak tradition--no tracking aids required.

The Arctic Tern has a lower wetted surface area. Good initial stability and excellent secondary stability make her stable enough for beginners and exciting enough to entice highly skilled paddlers. Her ability to perform crisp, tight chine turns, coupled with high volume bow and stern, make her a good choice for those who like to paddle in rough water or surf zones.

Available Kits:
Basic Kit
Full Kit
With Silver Tip Epoxy

The Arctic Tern High Volume
17' LOA * 23" BEAM * 13.5" DEPTH * 43 LBS.
Full Kit $875 Basic Kit $640
With Silver Tip Epoxy $971

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