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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Johan Wirsén
Available Colors
white, sand, yellow, orange, red, turqoise
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Need for speed.
If you want speed while touring, the XP will fullfill all your dreams. Several test and marathons have proved the XP´s speed. While the XP is of a long and narrow design, it is also surprisingly stable and manouverable, which makes it a wonderful kayak to play with in rough waters and surf. With it´s carrying capacity the XP is designed to handle extended tours, day trips and expeditions. The XP´s construction is based on design principles: low, sleek lines with a shallow V-shaped hull and flared sides, which makes for excellent charasteristics in rough weather and minimizes yaw even when rudder or skeg isn´t deployed. The well defined chines allow for easier turning and a strong secondary stability.
The XP is standard equipped with day hatch, easily accesible from the cockpit as well as a deep skeg and is available with a retractable Navigator rudder from KajakSport and Seal-Line´s SmartTrack rudder control system which allows for comfortable support as well as strong steering efficiency.
The cockpit is of a key-hole design to suit all types of paddlers and is fitted with the new, ergonomically improved seat which provides excellent leg support for the more extensive trips that this model is designed for, as well as providing the close contact needed when simply playing.
The XP is available in both fibre-glass and kevlar/carbon versions, both fitted with light-weight floating hatches, recessed fittings and perimeter safety lines.
The XP´s reputation is spreading quickly with the excellent reviews it is collecting throughout the world.
If you want speed while touring, the XP will fullfill all your dreams. Several test and marathons have proved the XP´s speed. While the XP is of a long and narrow design, it is also surprisingly stable and manouverable, which makes it a wonderful kayak to play with in rough waters and surf. With it´s carrying capacity the XP is designed to handle extended tours, day trips and expeditions. The XP´s construction is based on design principles: low, sleek lines with a shallow V-shaped hull and flared sides, which makes for excellent charasteristics in rough weather and minimizes yaw even when rudder or skeg isn´t deployed. The well defined chines allow for easier turning and a strong secondary stability.
The XP is standard equipped with day hatch, easily accesible from the cockpit as well as a deep skeg and is available with a retractable Navigator rudder from KajakSport and Seal-Line´s SmartTrack rudder control system which allows for comfortable support as well as strong steering efficiency.
The cockpit is of a key-hole design to suit all types of paddlers and is fitted with the new, ergonomically improved seat which provides excellent leg support for the more extensive trips that this model is designed for, as well as providing the close contact needed when simply playing.
The XP is available in both fibre-glass and kevlar/carbon versions, both fitted with light-weight floating hatches, recessed fittings and perimeter safety lines.
The XP´s reputation is spreading quickly with the excellent reviews it is collecting throughout the world.
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