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Sea Rover

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Short Facts

Point 65


Phone: +46 8 663 01 06

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Model Year
Johan Wirsén


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The water may get rough, but never the ride
True to its initial design concept, the aim with the SeaRover was to create a Grand Touring Kayak.

A full sized, spacious, and comfortable luxury touring kayak with great stability, huge carrying capacity, style and most importantly – performance to match.
Every Point 65 composite kayak is hand-built to exceptional standards by some of the best boat builders and craftspeople in the kayak industry.

The iconic foredeck-taper preventing paddle interference, is a design characteristic for all Point 65°N kayaks which with the SeaRovers 63cm/25¨ beam, is an obvious advantage for efficient paddling strokes.

The well defined chines allow for easier turning and a strong secondary stability. The low aft deck design of the SeaRover offers reduced windage, while the gentle, V-shaped hull creates a fast, straight tracking glide and makes the kayak stable, safe and dry.

The SeaRovers large oval cock pit for comfortable re-entry and is standard equipped with individually contained double day hatches, an exclusive Point 65 feature - as well as a newly designed super-comfy back rest, an ergonomically designed seat, a retractable skeg and innovative new foot braces. It is available with an optional, ingenious rudder and rudder control system.
The Point65 SeaRover – agile, tasteful, impeccably mannered, queen of the flagships. The Point 65 SeaRover is designed by Swedish kayak designer Johan Wirsén.

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