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K1 Olympic Fighter Club

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K1 Olympic Fighter Club - 9365_fighter_1285420686

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ul. ModliƄska 14

Phone: +48 22 811 64 58

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Olympic Warrior is a big part of our history. The first version came out in 2001 with a slight lifting in 2003 before Olympic Games. 2nd version came out in 2005, 3rd version came in 2007 and recently in February 2009 the newest version debuted on the market. the changes were so major that we decided to change the name to Olympic Fighter, marking the begining of a new era.

In the recent two years Plastex and CTO made a big research using CFD and tank tests to calculate and design a really new hull. Basing on the results, Richard Seruga designed the new Olympic Fighter 2009. The boat became the avantgarde shape of the hull - flat cross sections at bow and stern supporting "gliding" and eliminating "diving" effects. Most important factors such as weted surface, water plain area beam and many more were optimized and calculated on the edge of possibility.
The most recognizable difference is the rudder placed at the end of the stern. Equiped with a new seat system.

Displacement: 55-85+ kg / 3 versions available

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