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Sirius - boats_616-1
Sirius - boats_616-2

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment

Stats (Metric)

518 cms / 16'11.9"
52 cms / 20.5"
36 cms / 14.2"
24.5 kg / 54 lbs
302 ltr / 79.8 gal
Cockpit Length
72.5 cms / 28.5"
Cockpit Width
38 cms / 15"
The Spirit of the Sirius can be traced back to one of modern sea kayaking's most famous and successful designs, the P&H Baidarka Explorer of the 1970's.

The successor to the Baidarka would have a lot to live up to, so the Sirius was designed wit the finest attributes of this iconic kayak in mind.
Fast, of excellent stability for its beam and able to perform well in a variety of sea and weather conditions, the Sirius is a fine example of classic design in harmony with modern materials, technology and quality. This kayak is extremely quick for its beam yet remarkably stable.

Further Specs:
Optimum load range (approx): 65-115kgs / 143-253 lbs

Standard Features:
• Retractable Skeg
• Adjustable Footrest
• Adjustable Seat
• Ratchet Adjustable Backrest
• Day Compartment

Optional Extras:
• Rudder
• Keel Strip
• Compac 50 Pump
• Footpump
• Outside Seam
• Silva 70P Compass

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