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Scorpio LV

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Scorpio LV - 5709_scorpiolvtop_1272296800
Scorpio LV - 5709_scorpiolvcomp_1272296800

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Available Colors
Emerald, Sunbeam, Lava, Electric Blue

Stats (Metric)

509 cms / 16'8.4"
54 cms / 21.3"
32 cms / 12.6"
25 kg / 55 lbs
285 ltr / 75.3 gal
Cockpit Length
76 cms / 29.9"
Cockpit Width
45 cms / 17.7"
Maximum Total Capacity
110 kg / 243 lbs
Finely tuned for the lighter paddler. The Scorpio 168 LV maximises performance using its very efficient hull shape that is super stable in every condition out on the water.

The round chine, slightly v'd hull and generous bow rocker have been carried over from the original Scorpio and then tailored to make a nimble sea kayak that is predominant at the top of British design and manufacture.

The Scorpio LV is a light, responsive and suitable kayak for all skill levels from newcomer to expert. Since it is made from our very own Corelite foam core material, we have managed to save weight, increase toughness and give great stiffness so all you have to do is take it out and paddle.

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