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Cetus LV

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Cetus LV - 9550_SNAG0858_1286639547

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

535 cms / 17'6.6"
52 cms / 20.5"
Minimum Paddler Weight
20.4 kg / 45 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
47.6 kg / 105 lbs
If you are a smaller or lighter paddler then you really require a sea kayak that has been designed with your stature in mind. With the Cetus Low Volume (LV), we began hand-shaping a body that would ensure you have the same experience out there on the water as everybody else.

The final result is a sleek and elegant performer that, although incorporating many aspects of the standard Cetus design, really utilizes the available space to balance the volume and create a highly manoeuvrable, versatile sea kayak that excels with smaller or lighter paddlers at the helm. Head out to sea and enjoy a more playful low volume platform, perfect for tidal races and chasing the surf.


•Expedition capable: Travel self-supported in unrivalled comfort and style whatever the distance.
•Storage and the fourth hatch: The load carrying capabilities give masses of room in the 3 larger hatches whilst the accurately placed fourth hatch found within arms reach of the cockpit proves to be very popular with all.
•Paddle effortlessly: A fairly wide hull gives you rock solid stability in all conditions and uses.

Weight depending on layup:
Diolen: 27.6kgs /60lbs
Lightweight Kevlar: 25kgs / 54lbs
Carbon Ultralight Cleat Hull K/C: 22kgs / 49lbs

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