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Vista - 5731_VistaTopLarge_1272375792
Vista - 5731_VistaSideLarge_1272375792

Short Facts


111 Kayaker Way
SC 29642

Phone: +1 800 59-KAYAK

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

485 cms / 15'10.9"
82 cms / 32.3"
41 kg / 90 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
300 kg / 661 lbs
Efficiently cover the distance on extended trips.

The Vista is an exceptionally popular touring tandem that mixes speed with stability and easy handling.

Our fastest open cockpit tandem has a streamlined profile that glides smoothly across the water. Its renowned performance is complimented by a spacious cockpit that accommodates a variety of paddler combinations in comfortable padded seats and provides plenty of room for storing your equipment. Our Expedition version adds a secure compartment to the rear.


Adjustable Padded Seats
Adjustable Pedal Footrests
Deck Elastics
Drain Bung
Ergonomic Grab Handles
Internal Flotation Blocks
Padded Fold Down Backrests
Superlinear Polyethylene Shell
Tracking Hull

User Guide: Beginner - Advanced

Expedition Version - with additional:

Rear Easy Seal Hatch
Rear Floatation Bulkhead

Optional Extras:

High Back Child Seat
Nylon Spraydeck
Stow Sac Dry Bag

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