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Shock - boats_468-1
Shock - boats_468-2

Short Facts


111 Kayaker Way
SC 29642

Phone: +1 800 59-KAYAK

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Is your big boat giving you static? Then get away from that big sleepy dawg and put on this sizzlin’ arrival to the playboating scene.

The Shock™ takes the high-performance features of the AMP and compacts them into a size more proportional with the strength-to-weight ratios of smaller-framed paddlers. If you’re between 90 and 150 pounds, this boat puts you in control of the torque, so you can take charge in the hole, have your way on a wave or just play up an eddy line. Shock and electrify your compadrés with audacious wavewheels, blunts and vertical stalls. Sick of work and want to go play? You need Shock treatment!

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