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Short Facts

111 Kayaker Way
SC 29642
Phone: +1 800 59-KAYAK
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At last, a short creeker with playboat performance! Its moderate chine carves positive eddy turns and peel outs - surfs and 360s with ease. It'll even backender pirouette. It's the next step in Corsica performance!
User reviews
I chose this boat over the Braaap because of my comfort level in it. Playing Epic 3 days a week where we are colliding and hauling constantly (high turnover rate with the disk). I have nearly paddled myself over in this boat and I know exactly where my boundaries are. If I knew the Braaap well enough, I probably would have chosen that instead. I also tend to enjoy lower volume boats more. Compared to a Jefe Chico, it boofs less in smaller waves. The Jefe can rodeo on those little waves all day. This guy I have to put it sideways through the waves to really play in them. I would run waterfalls in an overflow before either of those two though. Braaap would be a close second. I personally love this boat and I'm really happy with how it performs in whitewater creeks.