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Horizon - 5726_horizontop_1272371671
Horizon - 5726_horizonside_1272371671

Short Facts


111 Kayaker Way
SC 29642

Phone: +1 800 59-KAYAK

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

488 cms / 16'0.1"
76 cms / 29.9"
33 kg / 73 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
280 kg / 617 lbs
Broaden your horizons...
This versatile twin-cockpit tandem kayak is perfect for either short trips or multi-day expeditions. The long waterline provides excellent directional stability yet the Horizon is still nimble enough for inland adventures. A high volume bow gives a dry ride even in choppy waters, as it rides over waves and deflects spray from the cockpit areas.

It’s able to cope easily with varied weight distribution between the spacious cockpits and stowage compartments; with plenty of room under the bow and stern Easy Seal hatches for two paddlers’ kit.


Adjustable Pedal Footrests
Deck Elastics
Front and Rear Easy Seal Hatches
Front and Rear Floatation Bulkheads
Front Deck Lines
Moulded Carry Handles
Padded Backrests
Padded Seats
Superlinear Polyethylene Shell
Tracking Hull

User Guide: Beginner - Advanced

Optional Extras:

Nylon Spraydeck
Stow Sac Dry Bag
Touring Rudder & Tip Toes Combination

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