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Carolina 12 Expedition

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Carolina 12 Expedition - 5730_carolina12top_1272375582
Carolina 12 Expedition - 5730_1_1272375582

Short Facts


111 Kayaker Way
SC 29642

Phone: +1 800 59-KAYAK

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

366 cms / 12'0.1"
66 cms / 26"
22 kg / 49 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
150 kg / 331 lbs
The Carolina 12 has been referred to as "a sea kayak in miniature" by admiring observers...

Our most compact touring kayak gives reliable tracking and stability that begs you to explore further. Its sporty lines are
matched by swift performance and outfitting that provides dependable control. All round versatility enables you to enjoy day and overnight trips on a variety of waters.

This is the shortest of our boats to feature front and rear hatches and makes maximum use of storage opportunities for your equipment. The Carolina 12 is perfect if you are looking for a true tracking kayak that will turn easily when required.


Adjustable "Zone" Backrest System
Adjustable Padded Seat
Adjustable Pedal Footrests
Deck Elastics
Deck Lines
Ergonomic Grab Handles
Front and Rear Dual Density Hatches
Front and Rear Floatation Bulkheads
Padded Thigh Braces
Paddle Holder
Superlinear Polyethylene Shell
Tracking Hull

User Guide: Beginner - Advanced

Optional Extras:

Nylon Spraydeck
Stow Sac Dry Bag

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