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Short Facts

111 Kayaker Way
SC 29642
Phone: +1 800 59-KAYAK
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111 Kayaker Way
SC 29642
Phone: +1 800 59-KAYAK
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· Show all Perception products.
Model Year
Stats (Metric)
376 cms / 12'4"
66 cms / 26"
33 cms / 13"
19.5 kg / 43 lbs
Cockpit Length
86 cms / 33.9"
Cockpit Width
51 cms / 20.1"
Minimum Paddler Weight
45 kg / 99 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
104 kg / 229 lbs
A very popular kayak. A Compact Entry-level tourer that is suited for both Begginer and Expert Paddlers.
User reviews
(Updated: March 31, 2009)
Overall rating
Value / Money
This kayak rocks!
About the reviewer
I'm 39 yo and have been paddling over 15 years.Test environment
I went to the West Coast Kayak Symposium and tried many kayaks and fell in love with the Perception (Aquaterra) Acadia kayak.Review
I've had my Acadia for over 12 years and have paddled it in class two rivers, lakes (large and small), the puget sound, as well as the Washington & Oregon coasts. As my skills have improved over the years I've come to appreciate this kayak more and more. When I picked up this kayak it was hard to control. I solved this problem by installing some knee braces. This made this kayak an awesome kayak.This is a very capable kayak and my only issue is that it lacks storage. The hatch is a bit small but on later models they increased the size of the hatch but removed some of the deck rigging.
The kayak is solid as a rock and tracks straight. However, when kayaking in high winds it gets weather cocked. I've also found that currents tend to push this kayak off course. If you take this kayak in adverse weather you will be in for a workout.
If you are looking for a good reliable kayak that will be a good all around kayak, this is a great kayak to consider.Review
About Me
Location: Puget Sound
Age: 39
Weight: 99.8 kgs
Age: 39
Weight: 99.8 kgs
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(Updated: November 12, 2007)
Overall rating
Value / Money
Awsome Entry Level Boat!
I am 6' , 180Lbs and 28 Yrs young. I have been paddling for about 6 yrs now. I have paddled everything from rec. to full sea-kayak and enjoyed every minute on the water. I have lived by the water my whole life and can't imagine living anywhere there isn't water.
About myself
I have been in Lakes, Ponds, Rivers and even the Cheasapeake Bay. I've been out in good weather, bad weather and even night time. There have been times when boat traffic increased and times when the wind picked up or changed directions. I have encountered underwater obsticles, hidden currents and storm surges.
About the test environment
The Perception Acadia 12.5 W/rudder is a very good performing rec/light day touring boat. It will move out pretty well with a good paddle and keeps an easy course once decided. The optional rudder is there for when the current's or wind pick up. This boat has a rear bulkhead and enough space in the rear hatch to store a day or two worth of gear. It will keep anything you put in it nice and dry too. When leaned the boat will edge a little, but not like a sea kayak, it does give you a confidant feel for learning though. While the designers intentions for this boat were primarily day fun, I have pushed the limits of this affordable little boat well beyond that. It has served me well on many trips, as well as alot of different conditions.
It is not my first choice for bad weather though, as it tends to be a very "nervous" ride in choppy water or heavy swells. In calm weather it performs great and in bad weather, well I'm still alive to write about it, though I wasn't so sure at the time. And the seating system needs to be upgraded almost as soon as you get back from your first paddle.
From an hour on the water to a weekend camping trip, this boat will put a smile on your face and keep some money in your bank account. I would happily recomend this boat to anyone just getting into kayaking. It is stable, reliable and easy to master, all of which lend to a great experience on the water.
About Me
Location: U.S.A.
Age: 28
Weight: 81.6 kgs
Age: 28
Weight: 81.6 kgs
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