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Minisport 10'10" Featured

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Minisport 10'10" - _minisport-1447931173

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

330 cms / 10'10"
73.7 cms / 29"
15.2 cms / 6"
10.2 kg / 23 lbs
225 ltr / 59.4 gal
The Pau Hana Minisport has been updated for 2016. The new model features a wider tail, which increases the weight capacity and stability. The new Minisport is still lightweight and fast like the previous models making this a great training and sport board. With a displacement hull, it paddles fast in the lake, river, or marina. Its light weight and soft grab handle makes it easy to carry and transport.


• Lightweight and portable for easy carry and transport
• Glides quickly through the water
• Great SUP for cross-training and conditioning
• Soft grab handle to easily pick up and lift
• Construction

Special Features

• Self-Regulating Vent Plug
• Thermal Vacuum Compressed
• Components Corebrace Reinforced (High Density Foam)
• Bamboo Reinforced on Load Bearing Areas

• Rider Weight |
Beginner | 160 lbs
Intermediate | 174 lbs
Advanced | 192 lbs

Fins | Single 10″ Fin
Core | EPS Core
Deck | EVA Pad
Seamounts | 6

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