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11'0" Big EZ Hawaiian Soft Top
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Available Colors
Green, Yellow
Stats (Metric)
335 cms / 10'12"
81.3 cms / 32"
12.4 cms / 4.9"
The Pau Hana Surf Supply 11'0" Big EZ Hawaiian Soft Top is the perfect SUP for rentals, camps, and resorts. Based on the 11'0" Big EZ Hawaiian for its stability, ease of use, and maneuverability, the soft top version adds a padded surface and supple plastic bottom that is highly resistant to blunt impacts from paddles, rocks, and bones. The fins are made out of tough flexible plastic so that they bend without breaking and stay on the board even after running aground on coral, rocks, or sand. Broken fins is one of the most common reasons that cheap boards returned. It also has a center mounted carry handle for easy pick and transport. Because of its durability, it can be dropped, abused, and neglected much longer than the average SUP and still provide reliable use. The Pau Hana soft top also out lines designated areas for foot placement so that novices and first timers can orient themselves as they learn to paddle. It also a good board for running down rivers and small rapids, places that might not be suitable for an epoxy construction.
Standard: tri-fin
Standard: deck mounted center handle for easy carry
The Fit: (Who is this board right for?)
This board will float a person up to 310lbs. So, it can accommodate riders of every size, small or large.
Performance Characteristics:
The round nose, full rails, and flat bottom keep the board buoyant. The extra width, 32", helps with lateral stability and resists tilting over. The Big EZ glides easily on a forward stroke and turns naturally when stepping on the tail or pivoting.
Exercise Benefits:
Stand Up paddle boards, SUPs, are exploding in popularity. Regular SUP riders have noticed weight loss, fat burning, and increased muscle tone. Paddling in the off season helps to develop a strong core, which heightens balance and improves surfing skills.
Standard: tri-fin
Standard: deck mounted center handle for easy carry
The Fit: (Who is this board right for?)
This board will float a person up to 310lbs. So, it can accommodate riders of every size, small or large.
Performance Characteristics:
The round nose, full rails, and flat bottom keep the board buoyant. The extra width, 32", helps with lateral stability and resists tilting over. The Big EZ glides easily on a forward stroke and turns naturally when stepping on the tail or pivoting.
Exercise Benefits:
Stand Up paddle boards, SUPs, are exploding in popularity. Regular SUP riders have noticed weight loss, fat burning, and increased muscle tone. Paddling in the off season helps to develop a strong core, which heightens balance and improves surfing skills.
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