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Puffin XT 16

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Puffin XT 16 - boats_1031-1
Puffin XT 16 - boats_1031-2

Short Facts

Model Year

Stats (Metric)

490 cms / 16'0.9"
66 cms / 26"
25 cms / 9.8"
19 kg / 42 lbs
Pakboats XT series - a new class of touring kayak.

The boats are very fast, and over-all paddling performance is exceptional. There is a solo 15-foot boat (XT-15) and a 16-foot boat (XT-16), which can be equipped with a solo or a double deck. With a 23-inch beam at the gunwale the XT-15 rolls easily. The XT-16 is wider and has more volume.

The boats may seem short for this class of kayak, but with their steep stems, they have waterline lengths of boats at leasta foot longer.

Because the deck support is built into the deck itself, the hull is completely open, making the boats incredibly easy to load.

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