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SP3 P17

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SP3 P17 - 7227_prossp3banner_1275583298

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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The Outfitter models have the same performance characteristics as our famous Prospector models, but are made from a tough 3 layer polyethylene plastic that withstands hard knocks and extensive use. Because the material is nearly indestructible, it makes them attractive to owners who plan to subject them to hard use with little maintenance. While the Outfitters are our heaviest boats, they are also the most affordable canoes we produce.

Outfitted with extra-durable plastic seats, these canoes are ideal for canoe liveries and rental shops since they will give many years of faithful service at an attractive price. For a family looking for a canoe they can leave knocking around at the cottage, they'll have a canoe that should last a lifetime.

Shallow arch
Slight rocker with raised ends

Depth Center - 15"
Depth Bow - 23"
Rocker Bow - 2"
Rocker Stern - 2"

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