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Haida 17' Blue Steel

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Haida 17' Blue Steel - 7199_haida1_1275569949
Haida 17' Blue Steel - 7199_xcgf_1275569949

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

518 cms / 17'0"
91.4 cms / 36"
22.7 kg / 50 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
544.3 kg / 1200 lbs
The Haida is the "big brother" of our Tripper model. It shares all the same handling characteristics of the 16 foot canoe but it's a bit wider and a bit longer. That gives it extra carrying capacity without changing speed or handling. The added roominess and stability means it is an ideal canoe for families who want to enjoy some tripping with young children, whether it is just a weekend jaunt to a favourite park or a wilderness adventure lasting a couple of weeks.

The Haida is novice friendly yet still has enough performance to appeal to experienced paddlers. Both the beginner and the expert will enjoy the Haida either for relaxation, like fishing or the adventures of a wilderness trip.

Flat bottom
Straight keel with raised ends

Center - 14"
Bow - 22"

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