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Angler 15' Kevlar/Spectra

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Angler 15' Kevlar/Spectra - 7225_angler1_1275582215
Angler 15' Kevlar/Spectra - 7225_angler2web_1275582215

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

457 cms / 15'0"
94 cms / 37"
23.6 kg / 52 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
408.2 kg / 900 lbs
While some paddlers dream of one day going down a remote arctic river, a lot of us just need a solid canoe suited to the simpler pleasures of life like fly fishing, nature photography, or just lazing around the lake. The Angler is one of our most popular choices for people wanting a nice stable canoe that's always predictable. Whoever said you should never stand in a canoe - never tried an Angler.

The Angler is all about safety and comfort. It will carry a surprising amount of gear and it takes little effort to keep it gliding in the direction you want.

Flat bottom
Straight keel
Shoe keel boats only

Center - 13"
Bow - 19"

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