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Kap Farvel
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Stats (Metric)
513 cms / 16'10"
53 cms / 20.9"
33 cms / 13"
21.3 kg / 47 lbs
255 ltr / 67.4 gal
Cockpit Length
70 cms / 27.6"
Cockpit Width
39 cms / 15.4"
Introduced in October 1997, the Kap Farvel was designed in response to requests from experienced paddlers who wanted a rudderless kayak in the Greenland style, but reflecting Steve Schleicher's ideas on design, comfort and performance.
It was conceived as a day paddling boat with the capacity to be used on day-weekend trips (light packers may stretch trip length a bit longer). The design is quite stable in spite of its narrow hull because the thin ends and rocker increase the draft and effectively lower the paddler's centre of gravity. It can be easily controlled with paddle strokes and boat lean. The cockpit is snug fitting and the deck fittings and hatches are recessed. Kap Farvel will reward skilled paddlers with its performance; other paddlers will also enjoy paddling it.
Further Specs:
Weight for Kevlar: 40 lbs
Storage Volume Bow Hatch: 57 litres
Storage Volume Cockpit: 155 litres
Storage Volume Stern Hatch: 43 litres
It was conceived as a day paddling boat with the capacity to be used on day-weekend trips (light packers may stretch trip length a bit longer). The design is quite stable in spite of its narrow hull because the thin ends and rocker increase the draft and effectively lower the paddler's centre of gravity. It can be easily controlled with paddle strokes and boat lean. The cockpit is snug fitting and the deck fittings and hatches are recessed. Kap Farvel will reward skilled paddlers with its performance; other paddlers will also enjoy paddling it.
Further Specs:
Weight for Kevlar: 40 lbs
Storage Volume Bow Hatch: 57 litres
Storage Volume Cockpit: 155 litres
Storage Volume Stern Hatch: 43 litres
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