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Triton II Double Sea Kayak

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Triton II Double Sea Kayak - boats_598-2
Triton II Double Sea Kayak - boats_598-3

Short Facts

Nigel Dennis


Phone: +44 (0)1407 762425 or 765550

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Nigel Dennis
Available Colors
standard and custom

Stats (Metric)

686 cms / 22'6.1"
58 cms / 22.8"
30.5 cms / 12"
30 kg / 66 lbs

Volumes :
Front compartment: 74 Lts
Front Cockpit Area: 138 Lts
Day Hatch: 38 Lts
Rear Cockpit Area: 147 Lts
Rear Compartment: 75 Lts

Deck: 2.

5 oz. CSMat plus Rescue Patches of extra 1.5 oz. CSMat
Hull: 2.5 oz. CSMat plus 8 oz. Cloth & extra reinforcing to reduce flexing
Inside seam: 2" Diolen & 3" Glass Cloth
Outside seam: 1" Glass Cloth

Weight: estimate Playak

The Triton has been designed for the intermediate to advanced paddler. The kayak is fast and very manoeuvrable its features have been taken from the Romany Explorer to produce a double sea kayak that is ideal for weekend and week long expeditions. A retractable skeg is a standard feature but a rudder can be fitted as an optional extra. The skeg is controlled by a simple elastic and rope system and can be repaired easily whilst on an expedition.

The Triton has four fibreglass bulkheads, 2 hatches (front and rear) and extra 7.5" day hatch situated behind the stern paddler. The kayak has 29 recessed deck fittings, deck lines, deck elastics and two compass recesses with a Nexus 70p compass in the bow and Nexus 70 UNE compass in the rear. The 70 UNE compass has a built in light and can be removed as needed. Standard keyhole cockpits, providing good control and enable easy entry and exit. A note patch for navigation information etc, is situated on the front deck in front of the cockpit. A recess for two parachute flares is situated between the two kayakers.

The kayak can be Eskimo rolled very easily. Rescuing the double is relatively easy as all water in the cockpits will empty quickly when the bow of the kayak is lifted. The Triton is a high performance sporty sea kayak for paddlers who want a fast, seaworthy double kayak.

The Skeg
The Triton is fitted with a skeg as standard. The kayak is very responsive to the skeg and you will need to experiment whilst paddling. In a cross wind the kayak will want to turn up wind. By using the skeg the kayak can be trimmed directionally. With the skeg right down the kayak will turn down wind but by lifting the skeg small amounts the angle of track can be altered to suit.

I would recommend a rudder to anyone who intends racing as the directional trim of the kayak can be altered on the move without interrupting your paddle stroke. A rudder might also be preferable if you intend using the kayak in greater than force 5 winds. The disadvantages of a rudder are weight and expense - and it is more likely to break than a skeg. If this happened then the kayak would be harder to control in windy conditions.

The Triton has been designed as a fast fun double. Ideally suited for the intermediate to advanced kayaker. The Triton comes as standard with a skeg but a rudder could be fitted as an optional extra.

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