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Pilgrim Expedition

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Pilgrim Expedition - 8039_1_1279038126
Pilgrim Expedition - 8039_2_1279038126

Short Facts

Nigel Dennis


Phone: +44 (0)1407 762425 or 765550

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

519 cms / 17'0.3"
50 cms / 19.7"
30.5 cms / 12"
283 ltr / 74.8 gal
The Pilgrim Expedition is a slim, fast kayak with increased carrying capacity for camping expeditions. The kayak is specifically designed the smaller paddler and the taller and slimmer kayaker at the same time. This multiple-fit option is due to a either side of the cockpit.

The kayak has a low, rear deck for easy rolling, a white water cockpit that gives excellent grip, control and allows quick exit if need be. The sloping bulkhead behind the seat, allows the kayak to be emptied by lifting only the bow, no x-rescue is necessary.
The kayak is fitted with our new High performance glassHigh performance glass seat that is higher and can be adjusted forwards and backwards. Fitted hip pads with the option of glass thigh braces help to customize the cockpit area.

An expedition kayak for the small or slim paddler
Front hatch volume: 72.5 liters, cockpit volume: 130 liters, day hatch volume: 38 liters, rear hatch volume: 42.5 liters.

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