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Allround 12'0" EZ

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Allround 12'0" EZ - _image-9-1347911009
Allround 12'0" EZ - _image-10-1347911009

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Place de l'industrie 2

Phone: +41 21 822 33 33

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This board is a large version of the "Allround 12 '" and has the same features and handiness of slides with a volume of 25 liters and added a bit more width. The result is a more stable board that allows practitioners heavier can enjoy the activity without SUP spends time in the water. This additional volume makes a board very fun to walk around with a light installed on the passenger front child dog, etc. In difficult sailing conditions this board is comfortable and can learn the joys of carefree first down winders. She is also the joy of SUP surfer’s experienced and powerful physique. For fishing enthusiasts, do not hesitate to move SUP to your favorite fishing spots. Ask us for advice on how to get specific accessories, install a kit for fish trolling or learn more about different fishing techniques.

• Fin size: US BOX 1x Single 215mm

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