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Cruise Control
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Short Facts
New Wave
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Stats (Metric)
320 cms / 10'6"
65 cms / 25.6"
17.7 kg / 39 lbs
223 ltr / 58.9 gal
Cockpit Length
91 cms / 35.8"
Cockpit Width
51 cms / 20.1"
Minimum Paddler Weight
64 kg / 141 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
109 kg / 240 lbs
The Cruise Control is a hard-playing boat that is extremely responsive.
It is a creeking boat with squirt-like abilities. The generous size of the Cruise Control accommodates people up to 240 pounds while serving as a superior creeking boat for those under 180 pounds. All paddlers will realize new potential in this boat that is ready to set you free on heavy runs.
It is a creeking boat with squirt-like abilities. The generous size of the Cruise Control accommodates people up to 240 pounds while serving as a superior creeking boat for those under 180 pounds. All paddlers will realize new potential in this boat that is ready to set you free on heavy runs.
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