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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Stats (Metric)
254 cms / 8'4"
62 cms / 24.4"
19.5 kg / 43 lbs
223 ltr / 58.9 gal
Cockpit Length
79 cms / 31.1"
Cockpit Width
39 cms / 15.4"
Minimum Paddler Weight
60 kg / 132 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
100 kg / 220 lbs
Who says you can't have it all? Imagine you're stranded on a deserted island with surf on one end, Class V on the other, and calmer water in between.
Pray you got to that island in a Jive, because that way you can dig it all. No matter what your skill level or what you want to tackle, the Jive is your best friend all the way. With a planing hull, hard rails, and perfect balance, the Jive can surf, spin, play and river run all with equal amplob. It's the Miles Davis of kayaks--there's always an occasion.
Pray you got to that island in a Jive, because that way you can dig it all. No matter what your skill level or what you want to tackle, the Jive is your best friend all the way. With a planing hull, hard rails, and perfect balance, the Jive can surf, spin, play and river run all with equal amplob. It's the Miles Davis of kayaks--there's always an occasion.
User reviews
(Updated: October 14, 2007)
Overall rating
Value / Money
I LOVE this river-runner!
About myself
First off, I am tall and skinny, so it is difficult for me to find boats that fit both my hight and weight requirements. I am a green, but solid, class IV boater. I have been boating for about 4 months and this was the bargain that got me into the sport.
About the test environment
I have run this boat down the Black Rive in New York, and the Ottawa River in Canada. They are both class III, IV. The Black is pretty tame with a few sticky holes to avoid and one 15' drop. The Ottawa is really, really, really big water with lots of play-waves, but often has minimal consiquences. It does have a number of munchy holes, but they are pretty easy to avoid...though, I often didn't. But I had only been boating for three weeks when I was there. I have also surfed at the Rt. 3 wave on the Black River.
First off, I fit in it. At 6'3" and 155 lbs., that is feat in and of itself. It is long enough that my lanky legs are comfortable and the theigh braces are solid. The outfitting is minimal, but bomb-proof. No back band, no center post in the front, minimal padding, very customizable. I like it. I padded out the hips and theighs with foam and called it good. I am solidly in there.
This is a great boat to learn on. It is increadibly easy to roll and is very versitile. It turns easy and is increadibly fast, which was great when I ran the Ottawa my third week into boating. I wasn't very good at avoiding hazards, but I was able to punch through alot of big munchy holes. It is also extremely capable when eddy hopping and farrying in fast water. I got to run some big drops on the black and it boofs very well. I think it is a good fit for big play rivers. Because it has a planing hull, it surf pretty well (obviously not a serious play boat, but come on...). It front surfs and flat spins. I have seen people cartwheele in it, but thats beyond my surfing ability. While I am now drulling for a creeker and a playboat, I think am very happy to have learned on this. Learning to spin in it made spinning in a playboat effortless and its speed got me out of more than a few sticky holes.
About Me
Location: Black River, NY; Ottawa River, Canada
Age: 23
Weight: 70.3 kgs
Age: 23
Weight: 70.3 kgs
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