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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Recommended Retail Price
Available Colors
Stats (Metric)
320 cms / 10'6"
81.3 cms / 32"
190 ltr / 50.2 gal
Classic longboard surfing performance, touring, or flatwater cruising — the Nalu boards offer excellent performance and versatility. With decreased volume in the nose and tail areas, resulting in an extremely responsive board with easy maneuverability. Ledge Handle
Provides easy handling and effortless carrying to and from the water.
Thruster Fin Option
A single fin is provided and the FCS boxes open up the option to customize the board as a thruster fin setup.
Crocodile Grip EVA Deck Pad
The crocodile grip EVA deck pad provides the best combination of traction while remaining comfortable on the knees and hands.
Provides easy handling and effortless carrying to and from the water.
Thruster Fin Option
A single fin is provided and the FCS boxes open up the option to customize the board as a thruster fin setup.
Crocodile Grip EVA Deck Pad
The crocodile grip EVA deck pad provides the best combination of traction while remaining comfortable on the knees and hands.
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