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Babykayak - _baby1-u-1326906994
Babykayak - _baby3-u-1326906995
Babykayak - _baby-1-u-1326906994
Babykayak - _baby2-u-1326906994

Short Facts


Dobrkovská Lhotka 76
Trhové Sviny
374 01
Czech Republic

Phone: +420 384 972 911

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
EUR 292


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Babykayak is a true copy of slalom racing boat, which should serve for the first familiarize your child with water and paddel. Dimensionally and combinations of features perfectly suits children to weight 40 kg. It serves not only as a perfect way to prepare young racers white water, but also as a toy in the pond or swimming pool. Kayaking on the collar can be deployed spraydeck. It is made of glassfibre composite, in any color versions. The length is 2.9 meters, width 43 cm, 18 cm height and weight of 5 kilograms.

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