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Zen 10'6"

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Zen 10'6" - _fb89705ae6d743bf1e848c206e16a1d7-1347862661
Zen 10'6" - _19bc916108fc6938f52cb96f7e087941-1347862661
Zen 10'6" - _500e75a036dc2d7d2fec5da1b71d36cc-1347862661
Zen 10'6" - 12387_1141938ba2c2b13f5505d7c424ebae5f-1347862813
Zen 10'6" - _07c5807d0d927dcd0980f86024e5208b-1347862661
Zen 10'6" - _8df707a948fac1b4a0f97aa554886ec8-1347862661
Zen 10'6" - _9c82c7143c102b71c593d98d96093fde-1347862662
Zen 10'6" - 12387_6081594975a764c8e3a691fa2b3a321d-1347862813
Zen 10'6" - 12387_dc5689792e08eb2e219dce49e64c885b-1347862813
Zen 10'6" - _1aa48fc4880bb0c9b8a3bf979d3b917e-1347862661
Zen 10'6" - _1ecfb463472ec9115b10c292ef8bc986-1347862662
Zen 10'6" - 12387_e70611883d2760c8bbafb4acb29e3446-1347862813

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

320 cms / 10'6"
78.7 cms / 31"
12.1 cms / 4.8"
190 ltr / 50.2 gal
Zen 10'6'' may be the ideal board for those seeking a compromise between a board to glide in flat water and a board to be used for the first experiences in small to medium waves. High stability and good handling ensured by the three fins and the rails design which make the stern leaner with two wingers. Its rocker makes it maneuverable in turns and takes off. Suitable for the first experiences in the waves, it remains an excellent multipurpose board with small sizes. Tech & Sizes :

Super light EPS foam (16 kgm3). Best resin and epoxy cloth: 200 g inside and 200 g reinforcement outside. Clearcoat UV proof. High quality bamboo. Special layer reinforcement in the foot zone. Extra pvc reinforcement on all fin boxes, double leash plug. Low density EPS (55 kg). 3M system adhesive pad. Heavy duty fin boxes. Bamboo single fin and solid glass for the side fins.

•Fins Configuration: Thruster
•Single fin: Super light bamboo epoxy (USbox) 7.5''
•Set side: Hi performance single foil solid glass 4.7''
•Carrying handle, double leash plug, pads.

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