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Deha 11'9"
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Stats (Metric)
358 cms / 11'9"
78.7 cms / 31"
11.4 cms / 4.5"
203 ltr / 53.6 gal
Ideal SUP for long distances, for fitness or Race competition in allround category up to 11'9''. Its well-distributed volume and its directionality make it an easy but very powerful board. Streamlined outline and balanced volumes allow Deha to cleave water by advancing rapidly to every paddle stroke. Great on flat water or on offshore in downwind it suits perfectly to the medium-wave surfing. Excellent choice for heavy surf riders over 90 kg. Tech & Sizes :
•Super light EPS foam (16 kgm3). Best resin and epoxy cloth: 200 g inside and 136 g reinforcement outside. Clearcoat UV proof.
•High quality bamboo.
•Special layer reinforcement in the foot zone.
•Extra pvc reinforcement on all fin boxes, windsurf box and leash plug.
•Low density EPS (55 kg). 3M system adhesive pad.
•Heavy duty fin boxes.
•Bamboo single fin.
•Double leash plugs.
•Fin configuration: Single
•Single fin: Super light bamboo epoxy (USbox) 24 cm
•Carrying handle, double leash plug, pad, windsurfing box and board bag.
•Super light EPS foam (16 kgm3). Best resin and epoxy cloth: 200 g inside and 136 g reinforcement outside. Clearcoat UV proof.
•High quality bamboo.
•Special layer reinforcement in the foot zone.
•Extra pvc reinforcement on all fin boxes, windsurf box and leash plug.
•Low density EPS (55 kg). 3M system adhesive pad.
•Heavy duty fin boxes.
•Bamboo single fin.
•Double leash plugs.
•Fin configuration: Single
•Single fin: Super light bamboo epoxy (USbox) 24 cm
•Carrying handle, double leash plug, pad, windsurfing box and board bag.
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