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Pescador 12'0"
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Short Facts
Michael Dolsey

Phone: +1 (757) 423-3037
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Phone: +1 (757) 423-3037
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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Available Colors
RED with gray grippy traction
Stats (Metric)
366 cms / 12'0"
91.4 cms / 36"
16.8 kg / 37 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
181.4 kg / 400 lbs
The Pescador SUP is Dolsey product made to Tour, flatwater paddle, and fish on. A super BIG BOY SUP , will float 400 Lbs. Lots of features give it value and functionality...8 tie downs, Q 5 fin system, concave deck, Stable and WIDE ,floats 400 pounds. Great for flat water touring and fishing and manageable in small surf. A hand shaped EPS , stringered blank, is laminated with multi layered fiberglass cloth, 34 to 37 lbs , not bad for a 5,5 thick 36 inch wide SUP. The Pescador is our BIG RED SUP with broad capabilities.
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