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E-Z Wider 11'4"

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E-Z Wider 11'4" - _-e-z-wider-light-blue-small-1362043528-1362474964
E-Z Wider 11'4" - _-still-19-small-1362043528-1362474964
E-Z Wider 11'4" - _-dsc-0590-small-1362043528-1362474964
E-Z Wider 11'4" - _-e-z-wider-top-and-bottom-lt-blue-small-1362043528-1362474964

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 900
Available Colors
Blue, Silver And Yellow

Stats (Metric)

345 cms / 11'4"
85.1 cms / 33.5"
The E Z Wider series Sups are stable,THE BEST SUP for beginners, instructors lessons, and rentals . Excellent on flat water and in the ocean .
Features: hand shaped, stringed EPS blank, with multi layered fiberglass cloth reinforced deck laminated with epoxy resin. The E-Z wider series is Thicker and Wider than performance Sups. A center fin and 2 side fins provide more versatile performance options. Hard Rail .

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