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Big Bamboo 10'6"

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Big Bamboo 10'6" - _wide-one-4-w-bamboo-deck-small-1349290871
Big Bamboo 10'6" - _1-sup-red-top-with-pad-bottom-small-2-1349290872
Big Bamboo 10'6" - _2011-sup-one-w-bamboo-deck1-small-1349290872
Big Bamboo 10'6" - _wide-one-1a-a-small-1349290871

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 1,050
Available Colors
Available In Blue , Red , Lime Seafoam, White And Red


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BIG BAMBOO is is a 5 fin performance SUP with a concave deck, Q 5 fin system Gloss Epoxy single to double concave bottom.
Hand laid genuine BAMBOO deck . This sup has a 31 plus inch midpoint for stable paddling, and the concave deck adds a new level of stability. Flat water and for ocean surfing. This board works for beginner and intermediate skill Paddlers. BIG BAMBOO Hand shaped from a stringer EPS blank, laminated with multi layered fiberglass cloth and epoxy resin. BIG BAMBOO. Built to last. Colors: Blue, Red, lime sea foam, white, red, blue Comes with carrying handle, traction pad, PFD tie downs and Fins. SIZES 10’, 10’6, 11', 11’6, 12’ Most Discounters and E-tailor’s SUPs are dis-featured compared to ours!

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